Sunday, October 3, 2010

October's here

Explanation of pictures
Some recent pictures from the village.
We often give away cardboard boxes, here's one thing they get used for.  Baby beds.
A picture of how they make some shortbread type cookies.
The oven - a fire underneath a big pot with the cookies in it and then a piece of roof tin on top with more coals/fire on top of the tin.
The kids like going to the village to find/catch baby chicks - here's aidan with one.
Ian with a huge goose egg that he got.
Our goat had kids this week.  Twins and Pete and the kids along with some of the dormers got to watch them being born.  There's a girl and a boy.  They're just about 4 days old but have already changed quite a bit.
Some english muffins that Faith made.  They actually really look like english muffins that you'd buy.  They weren't as crunchy but still really good.
Ian with RaHndell, one of the dormers watching him play a game.  RaHndell really likes Ian and little kids.
Ian reading with Pete - he loves to read books right now.
We're already 4 days into October.  I'm not sure what the weathers like where you are but October always brings a bit of homesickness for me as I think of fall and the fall weather back home.  There are things here that remind me of fall.  It's the season of squash, not pumpkins but tons of green and white squash in all sizes and shapes.  I always buy some to put around the house as fall decorations.  The weather is cooler, it's not raining as much.  It seems like the days are dry and we get big storms at night.  The nights are pretty cool while it's raining.  The days are pretty clear with nice blue sky and birds always singing.
We are also finished with the first month of school and are enjoying a 3 day weekend.  The time hasn't seemed to fly quite as quickly as last year....we'll see if it continues that way.  It's a different year with different students and personalities.  In some ways we feel a bit more drained and tired but we're also a year and a bit into being on the field.  Life here has a way of making you feel tired all the time.  I know for many of you life at home does the same thing.  Faith's been able to participate in a Beth Moore Bible Study on the fruit of the Spirit with some other missionary ladies.  It's been a real encouragement but a huge challenge to her.  Pray for us that we'll be in the Word and strengthening ourselves in our Father and His truth.  Sometimes the cares of life can weigh on us...I'm sure it's the same for each of you.  I'm not trying to say we're discouraged but there are and have been some challenges lately.  Pray that we'll see clearly God's vision for us here and for our mission as there have been and continue to be changes. 
Pray for us as we continue to get to know our dormers and their families and interact with them.  Pray that we'll be an encouragement in their lives.  A praise is that Pete's been able to be involved with a young guy from the village who is a seeker.  He may actually already be a believer but is very afraid of his families reaction.  He has asked his dad for permission to study the Bible and his dad was not at all in favor of that.  Pray for this guy and Pete and others who are involved in his life that they'll know how to encourage him.
Ok, I guess that's all for now.

Posted via email from glimpsesofguinea's posterous


Jon Wise said...

Those baby goats are awful cute! Prayin for you guys...

wizzy said...

what a beautiful place to live.

wizzy said...
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