Sunday, March 23, 2008


Aidan, Eli and Kelsey.
Kelsey does art with us once a week and this week we colored Easter eggs.
Last week we made masks.

Every Wednesday morning I make snack for the school kids. Here's a picture of some of them. There are around 15-20 that usually come.

Elianna playing with playdough while Aidan does school.

Aidan writing a letter to his cousins, Nathan and Corton.

Happy Easter

Hope you all have a great Easter. We get to enjoy a warm one! Here are some flowers and fruits that are in bloom or in season now. These are green mangoes on a tree in our yard. We love mangoes and can't wait till they're ripe. We have been getting mangoes from Conakry. They're soooo good.
Here's an apple that's fallen to the ground. You can see the nut on top. I guess it takes a lot of work to process the nuts that are inside the part that you see.
In our area there are a lot of cashew trees. Now is the time for them to harvest the cashews. The nut forms first and then on top of the nut a cashew "apple" forms. Some people like to eat the apples. Pete says they're not bad. I haven't tried one yet. There are red ones and yellow ones. Some people are highly allergic to the cashew apples and even to the trees.
I always forget the name of these. They're beautiful but don't really have a smell to them.

A pretty flowering tree in our yard.

Some beautiful smelling flowers. These are also on a tree. They smell like plumeria.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our birthday girl

Elianna turned 3 a couple weeks ago. It's hard to believe our baby is 3.
Aidan looks like he's more excited than she is.

Eli got some rubber boots from Auntie Ruth. Grammie brought them for her. She's been wanting rubber boots for a while. She doesn't seem to have any qualms wearing them in 100+F weather!

A special treat was that grammie and grandpa were her for Eli's birthday. It was the day before they went home. We were able to go out to a restaurant and swim at a pool. We had a great time.