Thursday, December 31, 2009

Life takes over

I know it's been over a month since my last post.  It has been busy but sometimes I'm just not motivated to post on the blog.  An overcap of the last 6 weeks...We're well into dry season now.  Along the roads the trees are dense with red dust.  For the last month we've been enjoying some cooler nights and mornings.  The afternoons are hot but bearable.  Hotter more unbearable weather is yet to come but we won't think about that yet.  We finished up our first semester in the dorm.  The following week we had our field conference.  It was shorter than usual but enjoyable.  The next week we celebrated Christmas and enjoyed some fun times with coworkers.  At the begining of this week we headed to the beach, about a 2 hour drive from here and spent 2 nights there.  It was so enjoyable and relaxing, not to mention the water was so warm.  It was a bit challenging with a newly walking one year old who enjoyed eating sand!  Oh yes, did I forget to mention that we celebrated Ian's 1st birthday during conference.  He is becoming more confident in his walking skills daily and is a lot of fun and a lot of work! 
We continue to rest in our Heavenly Father concerning the political situation of Guinea.  Yesterday on our way home from the beach we had a very enjoyable visit with some coworkers in a nearby village.  Their 2 kids are the same ages as our older 2.  It's fun to see the excitement of visiting friends and sharing joys and struggles together.
I guess this is kind of turning into a bit of a reflection which is appropriate since it's New Years Eve.  I'll try to post some pictures as well.

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