Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The many faces of our kids

Last week we were house sitting for some friends and they had a lot of dress up clothes. The kids had a blast. Here are some of their outfits. Elianna the owl
Aidan the dalmation.

Aidan the lion.


The crocodile or alligator

The little ladybug.

The other view of the ladybug.


Superman with the interesting ladybug.

The fuzzy sheep.

A couple weeks ago we were at a local park. I thought these water lilies were beautiful.

God has created such beauty for us to enjoy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Day of School

Aidan had a great week of school. He loves it. We are soo thankful and hope that the rest of his year continues to go well. Here he is walking into school with his class.
What a big boy. We took him out for breakfast to McDonalds before school.

Elianna is really going to miss having Aidan around. They are great friends and play really well together.
Aidan on his first day of first day of first grade.

We went to a nearby conservation area and took a nice walk.

There were all sorts of fire trucks from all sorts of places.

It was loud!:)

Aidan and Elianna at the Fire Muster Parade