Sunday, February 6, 2011

picture catch up

A hodge podge of the last few months including Elianna getting her hair braided for the first time, the beach, a new baby in the village and Ian riding his tricycle.

Posted via email from glimpsesofguinea's posterous

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Is it February already?

I cannot believe that I haven't posted since October.  As I take a minute to think back though starting in October and for several months afterwards life was a bit crazy.  I know that's no excuse but it does let you know that we haven't been sitting around twiddling our thumbs...does anyone really have time to do that?  The end of October brought some of our coworkers leaving very unexpectedly.  So that brought extra responsibilities for us and thus we were busier for a few months. 
 We finished up our first semester of school in December and then we had our annual field conference.  It was a really encouraging time.  A team from the states came to do a childrens program and the Pastor of some coworkers came to speak to the adults as well as a worship pastor.  It was amazing.  Normally it's Pete and I leading music, I on the keyboard and singing and Pete singing with me which is ok but we love being in the audience singing.  The Pastor really challenged us from the Word.  He focused on God being the God of the insignificant.  He reminded us that often we miss the work of God because we don't see Him in the insignificant. We often feel that we're insignificant in what we're doing but God uses and loves to use insignificant tools and things we think are unqualified..  Another great reminder was that we don't own anything it's all a gift from our Father including our kids.  There were many other great things but those were some that really reached out to me. 
After conference we enjoyed a really nice Christmas break.  We thought about going to the capital but decided not to and just stayed home.  We did take our annual beach trip.  Our kids love it more every time.  There's nothing like staying on the beach and being able to play and swim in the warm waters of the Atlantic, chasing crabs, watching fishing boats, having campfires with hot drinks and smores. 
We've been back in school/dorm for about a month now and like usual time is flying by.  We had a great month of cool nights and mornings.  60F in the morning when you're used to 75 - 80F feels like it's freezing.  For that month we pull out the blankets and sweat shirts.  It's warming up now though and the mornings are much warmer.
Well, things are a bit crazy here.  I hope to post some pictures but will do it later!

Posted via email from glimpsesofguinea's posterous