Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mothers Day and misc.

Rainy season is soon upon us but many of the trees are getting flowers and new leaves now. Here's a pretty flower on one of those trees. When you see a big tree full of these red flowers in the midst of otherwise dry looking things it's beautiful.
I know, you don't see many pictures of me. We were going to the village for a wedding.
The kiddos. Aidan loves to wear the headlamp when given a chance.
Some 'lion' pictures the kids drew a while ago.

Our friend Pete with a black cobra that he and pete killed.
Someone saw the snake and was able to trap it in their storage shed. Then the guys went on a snake hunt. I guess pete was the one the actually got it. They sort of clubbed it to death with a stick. It was about 4 feet long.

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