Here he is, Ian Weston Olver. Born Thursday, December 18th @ 12:06pm weighing 6 lbs 11oz and 20 inches long.
This picture makes him look much chubbier than he is, but he was just born!.
He's so tiny next to Elianna.
So cute.
In the hospital.
Proud Nannie.
Proud Papa.
A visit from big brother and sister.
They love him so much.
Aidan is a fabulous big brother.
Proud daddy who is so helpful.
I'll post more pictures soon. We came home on Saturday Dec. 20th. His bilirubin levels were a bit high but after testing him 3 times he was ok and didn't have to go under light therapy. We're enjoying some very cold, wintery weather. We're lacking a bit of sleep but overall doing well. Thanks so much for your prayers on our behalf.